About the Author – David Cleden

Appears in:
Fall Into Fantasy 2020
Spring Into SciFi 2021

David Cleden is a British author, still living in the south of England where he grew up. A few years ago he returned to writing as a way to make use of ‘empty’ hours on the daily commute by train into London. Since then his fiction has won the James White and Aeon Awards, and he was a first place winner in the Writers of the Future competition. His short fiction has appeared in various venues such as Interzone, Metaphorosis, Bards and Sages, and the Third Flatiron anthology series. He is now threatening to unleash a novel on an unsuspecting world.

He doesn’t talk about the weather much, drinks tea only in moderation and doesn’t say sorry nearly enough, all of which has led some to question whether he is truly British at heart or just pretending. You can find more details of his published work on his website: www.quantum-scribe.com and he’s always happy to engage on Twitter as @DavidCleden 

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